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This service is for anyone looking for professional mental health counseling. These sessions are done one on one with  Anastasia either in the office or virtually. 

Pricing: $115/per session

Timing: 50-55min

Scheduling Options: weekly, bi-weekly, monthly



This service is for anyone who is looking to create a better connection and communication with their daughter. This systemic approach involves the whole family and will meet with Anastasia in the office. 

Pricing: $150/per session

Timing: 50-55min

Scheduling Options: bi-weekly, monthly, bi-monthly

Pink Sofa
Clean Space



This service is for anyone who is just looking for some guidance and help on working through life decisions. These coaching sessions are done one on one with Anastasia both in the office and virtually. 

Pricing: $100/per session

Timing: 50-55min

Scheduling Options: weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, bi-monthly

T H E R A P Y  A P P R O A C H

Rational Emotive Behavior 



"REBT is a short-term form of psychotherapy that helps you identify self-defeating thoughts and feelings, challenge the rationality of those feelings, and replace them with healthier, more productive beliefs.(psychology today)

Cognitive Behavior Therapy


"CBT is a type of psychotherapeutic treatment that helps people learn how to identify and change destructive or disturbing thought patterns that have a negative influence on behavior and emotions."

(very well mind)

Dialectical Behavior Therapy


"DBT provides clients with new skills to manage painful emotions and decrease conflict in relationships. DBT specifically focuses on providing therapeutic skills in four key areas."

(psychology today)

© 2017 by Anastasia Brokas. 


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